Blanket Policies

  • Do not touch what is not yours.
    • Sharing between teams is permitted, but ASK, do not take.
    • Do not take apart old projects on showcase. Request those parts properly.
  • If you borrow something, PUT IT BACK.
  • Batteries must always have exposed terminals covered (EH&S rule)
    • F1/F2 Faston Tab
    • Nut & Bolt Terminals
  • Do not daisy-chain Power Strips; Put away extension cords when done working (EH&S rule)
  • If a fire extinguisher is activated, it MUST be reported
  • If any lab tools/equipment are damaged, it MUST be reported
  • Please keep the lab clean, tidy, and professional looking!
  • Take pride in your work and presentation at all times.
  • Be aware that labs may be presented to any visitors at any time.
  • Do not write on lab tables; Do not write or put tape on the walls or floor.
  • All parts and supplies (that fit) should be in your trunk.
    • All trunks should have a label on them
      • At least 1 student name & email
      • Team Name
      • Section Number
  • Respect other teams’ workspaces and equipment
    • If there is a trunk present, then assume the space is occupied
    • Dedicated equipment takes priority
    • If a team needs a specific computer or piece of lab equipment, let them have the space

ERB Lab 202: VR, XR, Machine Learning

  • Please clean VR/AR Headsets & put them away in the cart after each use/session.
  • Do not move or change system peripherals without consulting a professor or the Lab Coordinator.
  • Always be cognizant of your surroundings outside the headset.
  • If you begin to get disoriented, remove the headset and take a break.

ERB Lab 203: Ground Vehicles, IoT

  • Use tools properly. If the proper tool is not available, notify the Lab Coordinator.
  • When you are done working, please put tools away and dispose of trash.
  • Use appropriate Personal Protection Equipment when required.
  • We encourage the use of the NH 241 Maker Space for fabrication & soldering.
  • When utilizing TeleCommand, please ensure that the item you are controlling is clear of all hazards.
  • Prior to activating a ground robot, all teams in the lab shall be made aware.
  • There shall not be more than one ground robot active on a lab floor at any given time UNLESS such is required as functionality of the ground robot.
  • Always have a plan of intervention and retrieval

ERB Lab 208: Drones, Ground Vehicles

  • Be mindful of other people in the lab.
  • Drones and UAVs are NOT to be powered on unless:
    • The motors are unplugged, or
    • Propellers are removed, or
    • The drone or UAV is inside a designated enclosed containment/flying space.
  • Always have a plan of intervention and retrieval
  • Do not move or change system peripherals without consulting a professor or the Lab Coordinator.
  • Prior to activating a robot or drone, all teams in the lab shall be made aware.
  • There shall not be more than onerobot or drone active at any given time UNLESS such is required as functionality of the robot or drone.
  • The NH 241 Maker Space and the Library also have drone netting enclosures.

ERB Lab 335: Industrial, Manufacturing, Drones

  • Watch Saed’s video for 3-D printing
    • QR code is posted next to the printers
  • Printing is for academic use only
  • Do not attempt to level, change filaments, or otherwise change parameters on 3-D printers
  • If there is a finished model on the printer you’d like to use, set it aside for the owner to pick up
  • If the printer is currently printing, do not disturb it UNLESS the print has clearly failed
  • Be cognizant of your surroundings
  • Do not enter the range of motion when a robot arm is powered on
  • Do not attempt to move robot arms manually
  • Do not attempt to disassemble or repair a robot arm
  • Lock Out, Tag Out
  • Do not open control cabinets without authorization
  • Do not touch high voltage devices or circuits
  • Do not move or change system peripherals without consulting a professor or the Lab Coordinator

NH Lab 241: Maker Space

  • Shared resource between EE and CSE
  • Primary Lab Coordinator is Steve Lopez (EE)
    • Office: NH 129C
  • Card access is not assigned by default – must be requested
    • Access can be terminated for violating rules and policies
  • Verify the drone netting is in good shape and fully attached/enclosed
  • Drones and UAVs are NOT to be powered on unless:
    • The motors are unplugged, or
    • Propellers are removed, or
    • The drone or UAV is inside a designated enclosed containment/flying space.
  • Prior to activating a robot or drone, all teams in the lab shall be made aware.
  • There shall not be more than one drone active at any given time UNLESS such is required as functionality of the drone.
  • Soldering stations shall be powered off unless in use
    • Switch is on the back of the control unit
  • Keep the workspaces tidy – throw away your trash
    • Food is not allowed in Labs per University Policy
    • Do NOT leave Food/Drink containers in lab.
  • If you need help, ask for it
    • Don’t be stubborn – PLEASE ASK
    • Don’t hurt yourself or damage equipment
  • Do not use tools you have not been trained on
    • Laser Cutter
    • CNC Mills
    • Manual Mill
    • Manual Lathe
    • Saws
    • Drills
  • Consult with lab coordinator for tool training
  • When using power tools:
    • Tie up loose hair and/or clothing
    • Remove necklaces and metal accessories from hands/wrists
    • Ensure blades are undamaged and seek assistance if they are
  • • Use appropriate Personal Protection Equipment when required
    • Keep your safety glasses and earplugs – no sharing
    • If PPE stock is running low NOTIFY a lab coordinator
  • Do not remove any tools or supplies from NH241
  • Do not tamper with chemicals within NH 241
  • Do not remove chemicals from NH 241
  • If you empty a chemical container, do NOT throw it away.
  • All chemicals are serialized and barcoded by EH&S
    • Empties must be accounted for
    • Missing bottles become a big problem